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Should personalized, digitally-enabled support be considered for patients across all medications? It depends!

Written by William Lyons | May 18, 2017

We recently held a webinar in conjunction with Eyeforpharma on ‘The Digital Difference: How your brand can deliver more through better patient experience’. Live polling of attendees lead to some interesting debate: Should digitally enabled support for patients be considered for every brand?



74% of respondents said it ‘Depends on the therapy and patient population’, a view echoed by the panellists Susanne Kellenaers of Daiichi-Sankyo, and our own Jim O’Donoghue (Vice President, S3 Connected Health). They indicated that therapies where patients need to be strong ‘self-managers’ are more suited to these type of services, giving examples of therapies where medication is self-administered, where there are significant challenges around life-style factors, or due to deferred consequences - the risk of non-adherence is quite high, as is the case in Hyper-tension where Susanne noted as much as 50% of patients do not take medication as prescribed.

Daniel Gandor, Head of Takeda’s Digital Accelerator in the US took it a step further. He felt that as digital is now intertwined into our daily lives, its intertwined into every patient’s and prescriber’s life also – so to not at least consider digital patient support services for all brands, you are potentially missing out on offering your patients a better experience.

So where do you start?

Susanne Kellenaer struck a chord with all panellists when noting it’s about ensuring services really do meet patient needs and not just about focusing on the technology. The webinar presented slides on how to design and deliver a blended approach to these types of services, involving all stakeholders in the care continuum, and in particular analysing the patient and clinician journey to understand behaviors, experiences, and beliefs. This results in providing support that’s ‘relevant, personalized and ultimately leads to real engagement and better patient self-management’.

Watch the full webinar on how to design successful patient services that integrate digital to improve the patient experience, and see what elements to consider when enabling patients to be better self-managers.

Looking to assess your patient’s and clinician’s journey? Schedule a call with one our experts, and identify how a blended approach to personalized patient engagement and support solutions can improve your patient’s experience and self-management.